usnisa arts / agricultural center

1.10 this is actually the second batch - the first was eaten before pictures could be taken... made with biodynamic soft white wheat / pastry flour, as thats what was on hand from the last bulk order - this makes for a more crumbly dense loaf... it took a while to get the feel of the doughs moisture - as the character and quality of flours vary widely with how much liquid they absorb and how dry they are... these original loaves were wetter, but that also made for a unique texture and flavor that was just as enjoyable as the rest

1.23 raising was done in oiled and floured bowls at the start, which wasn't ideal but it worked good enough... baskets called brotforms or bannetons can be used, but are somewhat hard to find and quite expensive... most loaves were baked on a standard baking stone in an electric oven at 500° - with a pre-heat of at least 30 minutes

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