air is the exchange - inhale exhale - of all that is and was into what will be again and again - keeping the air waves healthy is more than just a physical administration of the organized exploitations of the natural systems which sustain all life - it is the metaphsyical understanding of the exchange as a whole - which might be interpreted as a complex concept to comprehend, but it has simplicity and accessability at its center - as in:
the bygone eras which took their toll are much more understood than they were - industrial revolutions, pollutions, and institutions to regulate comodify and distribute what was produced... all been done - now on to new horizons - the truth is the impact that individual lifestyle simplification has on the eco-system is far greater than what those conglomerations produced during their hay-days, because the best of all the knowledge that was gained is automatically incorporated into the system for more efficient operation... everything played its part - the results are mostly good
cleaning the airwaves happens with things like - not using fabric softener, chemical / petroleum based detergents, fragrances, not watching tv, not consuming the corrosive output of commercial media, not participating in rituals that add nothing to the overall balance of earth, being aware of where your sustainence comes from, tuning in to sustainable signals, tuning out the negative warp drones of familiarity, obligation, guilt, mindless patterns, and antinatural vibrations insisting that above all, the willful ability to destroy is more powerful than anything in nature, on earth, and in the universe - tune it out - its just one frequency, one channel, of many - and where the continual and exclusive subscription to it leads is very clear now - drives one to drink, drives one insane, etc. etc.
simplify your life - what do you truly need - how can you get the most out of everything - be a good steward of your space, a good caretaker to everything and everyone around you - a responsible world citizen... negative thoughts pollute the air, vanity gases, chemical warfares that take place right under everyones noses, in their minds, with the words that come out of their mouths - be accountable to every aspect of your output - intend clarity and health - generate a field that radiates a positive influence on anyone you encounter - inspiring them to do the same